In a nation deprived of good sports literature, Forgive Me Amma comes as a breath of fresh air. Written in the author’s unique style, the book takes the reader to the thick of action, be it on the lush green astro turf, or in the middle of an enthusiastic crowd, or at the highly charged press conferences. Precise, objective and highly readable, the book succeeds in not only presenting the enigmatic legend Dhanraj Pillay in all his fame and fury, but also documents the tumultuous journey of Indian hockey during the times he played.
‘’”I found the insights fascinating and I believe all hockey lovers will do likewise”
-Ric Charlesworth’’

Book reviews

The author tries to fathom Pillay behind the theatrics and provides an unsparing account of the envy he generated among his teammates because of his popularity. Little is left to allusion: the arrogance of coaches, the IHF's utter lack of integrity or foresight.
India Today

Authored by a senior journalist Sandeep Misra, who has been covering Indian hockey for nearly 20 years and is perhaps as passionate about the game as Pillay is, the book titled Forgive Me Amma is a real treat for hockey buffs.
News 18

Sundeep Mishra adapts a new style of writing, by dividing Dhanraj’s career into 19 brilliant chapters, starting with his birth and family, his ability early in the career to position himself perfectly upfront, showing immense control over the ball to grab the attention of selectors, tasting stardom at the 1995 SAF games, his performance at the 1998 Bangkok Asian games and describes many such ebbs and tides in his glorious career, before ending the book with a heart touching chapter “We all grow old”.
Sports Keeda

Sundeep’s book is highly rich about the man and his art in the battle field. Talking about his tackles, goals and moves on the field is a bit easy, but narrating those vital factors that went into the making of one of the greats of the game demands that extra bit of effort; Sundeep achieved it with grace.
Sports Keeda
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